Extra credit-Analysis of the Movie "Casablanca"

 are many Goffman elements in this film, and I have analyzed some of them. 

The film takes place in Casablanca and at the beginning of the film, the audience is left with a cliffhanger: "Who killed the German couriers, and what are the important documents on them?" Mystification (or deception) is used here. In order to arouse the interest of the audience, a suspense is left at the beginning. At the beginning of the article, there are a lot of actors and carriages, as the background of the film, so these actors are “non-person”

The article tells of two German couriers who were carrying important documents and were killed on their way to Casablanca. Then an officer told all soldiers to arrest the murderer and all available personnel. So the soldiers went to the streets in great battle to search for suspicious personnel. The masses were very confused about what had happened. Some discussed, some watched, and some ran away when they saw the soldiers. One of the couples was discussing what had happened, and one of the men gave them a rough picture of what had happened and warned them that people here were greedy. Clearly this man is not simple. He knows a lot.

So the army used the dramatic realization to emphasize the seriousness of the matter to the public, the couple was“ non-person, ”they didn't know what was going on, but the person who told him about it was“ the spotter”, he knew a lot about the performers, and he revealed a lot of information to the audience. Another building on the street caught my attention. It reads: "Liberty, Equality, fraternity." These symbols provide the audience with a picture of society at that time, and the contrast between what is happening now. Strongly satirized the social status quo at that time.

Again, a plane passes by, Major Stracha arrives in Casablanca, and the local officers introduce their leaders to the soldiers. Here the local officer is“ the go-between,” who facilitates communication between the team, and the leader is “the colleague”, who is granted temporary respect as a "team member". The chief then asked the local officers about the situation and said, "What have you done about the stolen documents?" But the fact that he didn't tell the leader the truth was a entrusted secret, a secret he wanted to keep in order to preserve the integrity of his role and his team, to show that he could be trusted.

There is a scene at a cocktail party, the suspect said the ship has arrived, we can go anytime, his gang motioned him not to talk, here they are a team, also illustrates the Goffman team collusion element. You can see that this party is full of whistleblowers, all of them in disguise.

When a man discovers that gambling is taking place in the room, but the waiter won't let him in, this door becomes the border, separating the front desk from the backstage, the room is the backstage, the reception is the front stage

Then someone tried to ask Rick something. He tries to give the document to Rick, but Rick is seriously playing chess. Here, the dramatic technique of front or mask is used. The audience can only guess whether Rick is a cynic after all. In addition, Rick uses the realization of dramatic acts to hide his heart, giving the audience a feeling that he is focused on playing chess.


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