Extra credit: Theory Analysis of The Sting movie
"The Liar" is a feature film released by MCA Universal Family Entertainment in the United States on December 25, 1973. The film tells the story of Hooker, the younger brother of the fraud group, and his friend Condolph, who use the scam to avenge boss Rusa. The film won seven awards including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Screenplay at the 46th Academy Awards.
Characters: The main characters in the film include the thief Hook (played by Robert Redford) and his partner Condolph (played by Paul Newman). Lonergan, the leader of the underworld organization, likes to play cards and loves cheating and revenge, all of which left a deep impression on the audience. These weaknesses are also an important factor in Henry's deception, as well as the greedy fat policeman, etc. The interactions between these characters generate the conflict and development of the plot.
The setting: The film is set in 1930s Chicago. In various streets and alleys, as well as some entertainment venues, these are stages. The film shows the social and cultural environment at that time, including the clothing, customs, and language of people in that era. This backdrop has an impact on the behavior and interactions of the characters in the film.
Plot: The film's plot revolves around a large-scale con that includes multiple deceptions and counter-cons. The film demonstrates various deceptions and the complexity of human nature by constantly reversing and shocking the audience. The whole plot structure is very precise, which makes the audience full of suspense and surprise.
Plot: In the film, plot progression is achieved through the interactions between characters and the unfolding of various deceptions. The rhythm of the whole movie is very tight, and the development of the plot is full of twists and turns, which keeps the audience tense and curious.
In short, according to Goffman's Mimetic Theory, the movie "The Sting" is a dramatic and suspenseful movie. The film shows the complexity of human nature and the diversity of social reality through the interaction of characters and the unfolding of various deceptions. The audience becomes a participant in the movie, and through the performance of the characters and the advancement of the plot, they are immersed in the atmosphere of the movie.
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