Analyzing the Challenges & Predictions for the Next 100 Years

 According to the video It refers to the evolution of human beings, saying that human beings evolved from monkeys, but there are records in the five thousand years of human history: human beings were created by Nuwa. Nuwa is the ancestor of human beings on the earth. It is said that Nuwa took one of her own bones and made a man to marry her, and then left the descendants of human beings, and passed it down from generation to generation, and now the world is here. Everyone everywhere. Nuwa stayed in the Garden of Eden (the Kunlun Mountains and Shangri-La area in China), and it was a matrilineal society, and her offspring were multiplied. Her father searched everywhere for a new continent where humans could live, and left some people to establish a country there, so now the earth is established. many countries. Human beings are originally one big family. We should all talk about peace and harmony, be kind and compassionate, be kind to others, take a step back when things happen, and be lenient. Let’s talk about the evolution of human beings on the earth. This evolution refers to the evolution of human beings using all available things in nature for the benefit of human production and life. Human beings have evolved from wearing leaves and animal skins in primitive society to inventing farming and weaving, wearing cloth and silk. This is a kind of evolution. It is also an evolution from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. Humans invented writing, counting, papermaking, gunpowder, compass, and printing, which is also a kind of evolution. The invention of electricity and electrical appliances, the steam engine, the semiconductor technology, the computer technology, the chip technology, the TV and mobile phones, etc. have provided great convenience for human production and life. These are the evolution of human beings. China engages in scientific research and technology, aerospace technology, nuclear industry, and invents convenient products for human life and production (these products greatly reduce the labor intensity of human beings), which is also a kind of evolution. The study of genes, the selection of the best, etc., are all evolution.tattoos robotic arms ,and more…

for example,With the rapid development of science and technology today, anything we think is impossible may become a reality, just like 100 years ago, people at that time could not imagine the prosperous Internet today. So in the next 100 years, what new technologies may appear? These are the top ten predictions of today's scientists about life before 2100. If these predictions can become reality, the world will undergo earth-shaking changes. . Internet-enabled contact lenses When: Before 2030, Forecaster: Professor Babak A. Parviz, University of Washington, Seattle. The glasses will also recognize facial features and display a biography of the person they see, as well as translate from one language to another so people can understand subtitles displayed on the lenses. I believe it will be loved by sci-fi fans and extinct animals resurrected Time of Appearance: Before 2070, Predictor: Dr. Robert Lanza, an advanced cell technology company in the United States. In the future we will be able to have zoos with extinct animals. Lanza was able to extract usable DNA from an animal that had been dead for 25 years, implant it into a cow egg, and nine months later, a cloned animal was born. In this way, the species is revived. Even though Neanderthals have been extinct for tens of thousands of years, their DNA has been deciphered, so some scientists are discussing whether to bring them back to life. "If we have the tools to control genes, it should theoretically be possible to use genes to resurrect species," Lanza said. "The question is, should we do it?"

All the displays in the video are proving that the next 100 years of technological progress will be a huge success, but there is too much to say. You can look back 100 years, from the technological challenges at that time to the current technological challenges, whether the prediction in 1900 has been implemented now! It will be an immeasurable existence, and predictions are often just predictions!


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