Extra Credit : Advertising analysis in which a young woman or girl is sexually portrayed (Hojeong Lee)

<The first commercial for 'Seoul Milk'>

I would like to analyze the issues related to sexual objectification advertisements that have recently been controversial in the pop culture and art world. First, Seoul Milk faced controversy over sexual objectification by releasing an advertisement with the concept of comparing women to cows. I will attach the link to the controversial advertisement video at the bottom.

As shown in the video, the advertisement begins with a man with a camera wandering around a remote area. Along with the narration, "We finally succeeded in capturing their appearance on camera," it even captures a man hiding in a bush, drinking water in a stream, and secretly filming women doing yoga.

And when a man accidentally stepped on a branch, women suddenly turned into cows, and the advertisement ignited controversy over sexual objectification in the advertising industry by comparing women to cows and even capturing men.

The BBC also criticized the advertisement, saying it caused a nationwide debate on gender discrimination and gender sensitivity.

Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9carAjKjT4I

<The second commercial for 'soju'>

The second is the issue of liquor advertising. Liquor advertising has an ancient formula. The high percentage is that beer uses male models and soju uses female models. This also makes a difference in advertising content. Compared to beer advertisements, soju advertisements often focus on the sexual attractiveness of models.

In particular, in soju advertisements, female models highlight sexual attractiveness regardless of the product, such as wearing revealing clothes and taking a sexy posture.

In other words, soju advertisements are commercializing women by featuring young and sexy female models, and they still remain in the controversy that they constitute women's bodies as objects of visual play from the perspective of men.

This is a big issue because the image of men and women highlighted in mainstream advertisements can be internalized on a social basis.

Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ46j7aLKS4


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