extra Final exam assignment-LI XINWEI
1. Objective
The objective of this term paper is a description of society which is create by myself. Further details about physical, social and cultural elements must be included. The discussion about this society must involve following theory which have been mentioned during the lectures of this semester.
1. Goffman and talk about the presentation of self
2. Whyte and talk about the effect of the physical environment
3. Culture and technology and how they play out in everyday life
The paper should include 3-4 aspects of daily life in this society
2. Background
Here are the simple descriptions of the theory that we have mentioned in the last part.
2.1 Goffman and talk about the presentation of self
In social interaction, as in theatrical performance, there is a front region where the performers (individuals) are on stage in front of the audience. This is where the positive aspect of the idea of self and desired impressions are highlighted. There is also a back region, where individuals can prepare for or set aside their role. The "front" or performance that an actor plays out includes "manner," or how the role is carried out, and "appearance" including the dress and look of the performer. Often, performers work together in "teams" and form bonds of collegiality based on their common commitment to the performance they are mutually engaged in. [1]
2.2 Whyte and talk about the effect of the physical environment
According to the slides “Urban sociology”, We learned the definition of Public spaces. A public space is a social space that is generally open and accessible to people, for example, roads, plazas, parks, beaches and buildings open to the public. Successful public spaces are a cornerstone of modern cities and other institutions which want to be perceived as friendly, popular and to attract visitors. The key parameters to evaluate a public space are :Sociability, Comfort & Image, Access & Linkage and Use & Activities.
2.3 Culture and technology and how they play out in everyday life
Our society is shaped by technology in numerous ways. There are three ways of thinking about technology and society:
1)Technology determines our lives. This is known as technological determinism.
2)Technology is not a major force in social life.
3)Technology is both changing our society and being changed by it.
3. Introduction/Setting
In the future, which is about 10000 years after today. The mass, quality of the sun has been expand sharply which results the destruction of the solar system. All substances in hundreds of millions light years away for the center of the solar system, even the light are absorbed by the black hole which is used to be called as ‘sun’. In order to survive the transmission of human civilization and culture, two plans has been executed. The first one is called the “Plan ARK” and the second one is called “EEG(brain Wave) Uploading Plan”
3.1 Plan ARK
In order to escape from the disaster caused by the sun, a huge Space ship, which is engine by hydrogen fusion has been built. The ship can only carry 560000 to 700000 of human beings and the gravity inside the ship is provided by two rotating steel ring out side the ship. Here is a hand draft of the ship.
Three small ships are also built, two for navigation and one for the maintenance of the gravity rings. The navigation ships are armed by lazed gun to shoot and destroy the obstacles on the track of the main ship like comets and meteorites. The front part of the main ship is called “Library area”, which is the living area for digital lives which we will inform in “EEG Uploading Plan”. The middle part of the ship is called “Earth area” which is the habitat for the survivals. In this area, the ecological environment of the earth has been restored. The end part of the ship is the engine of the ship.
3.2 EEG Uploading Area
Since the ship built by Plan ARK can only carry limit number of human beings. Most of human have to abandon their human body. A new technology has been developed that human can upload their mind into the survey called “The World Tree”. TWT is a huge digital community which can contain all of human’s soul and provides them a world which is much better than the real world. TWT is located at the “Library Area” of the ARK ship and it is also the control system of the ARK. In order to protect TWT, The library are is covered by extreme strength medal alloy .
1.1 Revolution
In the year of 5700, a revolution has occurred that the digital lives in TWT are no longer satisfied with the world they have, they want to manipulate and persecute the people who live in the Earth area because they are jealous at them. In the earth area people can live in a real world, they can give a birth and die. The top class people live in TWT hack the survey of the TWT and cut off all technique supply offered to the people who live in Earth area. After that, people who live in Earth area live in a life without electricity, gas and water supply system. All they have is the ecological environment which is identical to the earth. Whats more, their lives are also inspected by the digital lives since it’s a entertainment for top class people in TWT.
3.4 Social Class inside ARK
1. Night Owl Association (NOA):The top class people who live in TWT, who is the dark side of the ARK, manipulate and inspect all other people who live in ARK. The Tragedy makers.
2. The Seeds (TS): Other citizens who live in the world tree. Innocent and happy. They can also watch the lives of people who in in Earth area
3. Eva: The people who live in earth area. They are called Eva because they are Framed by the NOA. They are exiled from the garden of Eden (world with modern technology).
According to Goffman and talk about presentation of self. NOA are shills backstage. TS are audiences and EVA are performers, front stage.
4. One day in ARK
In this part we are going to perform a normal day for people live in ARK separately since NOA, TS and Eva have totally different life. Only EVA and TS’s day will be mentioned.
4.1 One day of Eva (3000 years after revolution)
It’s 7 am and the boy Adam has to pull himself from the dream. Today is his thirteenth birthday and it’s also his bar mitzvah since he was born in a Jewish family, he has a pushing schedule for today. He struggled out of the bed and put on his yarmulke which he gets form his grandfather who was dead in the farmland. That old poor guy had spend his whole life for his barley field and the only thing he left is this Jewish hat. The strange thing is that no one knows where he get this yarmulke, the productive technology for this hat is too advanced especially for this place that everyone is wearing furs and turf. Someone said that this hat is the relic from the age of Cataclysm, there was even a legend illustrate that before the age of Cataclysm, human being has the magic like lighting the sky, controlling the temperature and even controlling the iron horse, which is hundred times faster than the best horse of the town. But one day, A man named Prometheus used his magic to extinguish sun, the sun became a black hole and absorb everything. As a result, god light the sky again and saved human. As punishment, all human are exile to wilderness and lose their magic. Everyone in this world has the sin.
The first job of Adam’s day is collecting sticks which are used for lifting the fire of the stove. Before the work, the only thing that Adam have for his breakfast is a Matzah, which is dry because it’s made by barley. Famine has been exist for hundreds years in this small town and lots of people die because of starving, If you are lucky enough, you can use the arrow and bow to hunt a vulture to fill your stomach, they are everywhere in this town, looking for dead human body. It’s not a good choice for Adam since he is always the most timid kids in the town and he is not even strong enough to draw the bow. The only way to encourage himself on the way to collect sticks in horrible forest is singing the song he learned from his grandpa.
“ Run away, Run away,
Before we touch the sun’s flame,
There is no fire thief’s grave.
Take on the ship to the sky
The stars will give us a ride.”
Adam has to carry the sticks he pick to the center plaza of the town, that’s the place people assemble the resources required for survival. The population size of this town has decreased sharply in recent year because of the drought that people began to huddle together for warmth and food. Even kids under 12 years old are assigned work like fetch water and do the laundry because the lack of labour force. The plaza is located at the middle of the village and it is surrounded by house and shrub, a huge tent is built at the center of the plaza which is used to protect the huge stove and bonfire during the rainy day. There is also a huge bear’s skin beside the stove, It’s get by the strongest hunter of the village and now used as the sitting area for people.
The time is 5pm when Adam arrives plaza. It is a lucky day for the whole village because the hunters team get a fertile deer which means every one can get a bowl of deer soup tonight. The wonderful smell of fat and meat scattered in the air. Finally, Adam get a moment of peace, he laid on the bear fur and take out his flute. The smooth music comes out and kids began to dance around the campfire.
There is always a way for human being to survive. Human courage can transcend time, every history, present and future.
4.1 One day of a seed(The day of revolution)
“EGG condition: Stable; Wake-on-LAN: On process.”
“Good morning Ms.Wayne. Today is April 11th BC 5700. The age of your mind is now 4270 years and four month, our ship is now located near Orion constellation. You can check your mail box there are notice from the captain TWT. Press Yes if you want to schedule today’s activities. Once again, good morning and have a nice day.”
This is the voice that Susan heard every morning when she wake up in past 4270 years. Anyone who live in TWT can customized their wake up voice. The voice Susan choose is the voice of Brian Johnson, who used to be the lead singer of ACDC band. Susan missed her life in earth so much that she is one of the few people who still take a nap in TWT world. After People upload their mind to TWT, sleeping is no more necessary for their soul. Tme of this world goes so slow that people began to forget their past. The only way to memorize their past is to open the “Past file” and press the “re-experience” button.
With time goes by, the gender of people’s soul became blurred and the Title “Mr, Mrs and Ms” became meaningless.
Susan does not has any plan for the rest of the day, she has been trying a lot of thing in past 4270 year since people can do anything in the server: extreme sports, seeing the scenery of different planet, continuous orgasm. She is getting tired of these activities. The only thing she still interests in is to get contact with the soul she never met before in TWT.
“Miss Wayen, you get a meeting invitation from the NOA, all seeds are “Miss Wayen, you get a meeting invitation from the NOA, all seeds are invited by the association, the leader of the association Donald Trump made a huge decision for the future of the ARK.” Susan notice that the attendance of the meeting is necessary and there is even dressing code for the meeting. Susan does not to take the risk of absent. There was a group of people who do not follow the rule of NOA, as the result their EGG was isolated in the “TWT root server”, where no one comes back from. It’s the jail server of TWT that NOA built for the “criminals”.“System, open my dress list and choose a formal suit for me.” Susan is not the girl who likes to wear suits (like the member of NOA), she prefer casual outfit like black t-shirt with gorgeous print on it. Pants choker and smoky eye. People in TWT can wear anything they like. In normal days Susan will rather like to wear “punk style”, she is a member of punk club which organized in TWT, the lover of punk will assemble in that club and enjoy the music they like together. But, there is a dressing code today so any citizens are forced to wear the suits before they attend the meeting. “ EGG transferring, Susan Wayne, Destination: TWT(old WHO) Conference Hall”
NOA is a very traditional organization, the meeting hall they create in the TWT is totally identical to the Conference Hall of WHO in earth. The difference is there are much more seats since every citizen of TWT has to attend the meeting. A huge screen suspend on the air that every on can see the face of Donald Trump.
“My dear colleagues, citizens. Today is the day we change the history. Our elite team has been working for thousand year for get access to the core of the TWT server and they did it! We have been imprison in this digital jungle for 5 thousand years and now it’s the time we punch back, to the people who live in Zone 2, who break the agreement and betray us. They limit our accessibility to the TWT so we can not reach the ROOT of the server.
Susan Knows that all he talked is bullshit. The truth is Susan’s mother used to be a member of NOA and The truth is any life in ARK has no accessibility to the ROOT of TWT and there is no treachery. Every single thing Trump said is lie and the purpose of the NOA is minipulation.
Then the screen shows a beautiful city, which is the world of Eva. The building begin to collapse the people began to scream. The city become dust in 15 minutes, lots of people lose their family and property.
The seeds begin to cheer for their revenge. Every one is blinded by NOA except Susan, whose mother was exile by NOA because of her mercy.
The party was every where that night in TWT, people create different type of entertainment venues, take digital alcohol and drug to release their desire.
When humans lose their rationality, they are no longer humans, they become something creepy, something disgusting, something that should be called as monster.
5.0 End of story
BC 9000, the last digital creature in AFK chose to end his life like other NOAs and TSs because he can’t take a such long life. Human beings live in Zone 2 develop their technology and finally make the ARK under control.
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