project 3: DENGQIN Chen siting

We chose one day this week to live my life without 20th and 21st century

technology. The date is May 25.Until I do, I can ignore all the products of 20th and 21st

century technology that I own, such as cell phones, computers, televisions, etc

How is our life different from the 19th century? 

1. In the 19th century, without the Internet, people still relied on face-to-face communication, newspapers, letters and other means; Now, it's on the basis of Internet communication, using mobile phones, etc., to communicate with people. 

2. In the 19th century, people worked mainly by physical strength. Now most people work primarily with knowledge. 

3. In the 19th century, people were affected by war and other uncertain factors.

 Now the people live happily and settle down. How does technology affect our lives? 

1. With the rapid development of mobile Internet and 5G technology, the way we communicate has changed dramatically. We can connect to the Internet anytime and anywhere through mobile phones, computers and other devices to realize real-time transmission and sharing of information. 

2. Through various applications, we can find taxi, shared bike, online car booking and other travel methods at any time, and book tickets and air tickets online. 

3. Telemedicine is also an important medical technology. Through video calls, online consultation and other means, we can communicate with doctors remotely to get medical advice and diagnosis, avoiding the situation that patients cannot get medical services in a timely manner due to problems such as distance or transportation. 

4. Moocs (Massive Open Online courses) allow students to take classes anytime, anywhere and learn from excellent courses around the world. At the same time, intelligent educational devices also make teaching more vivid, interactive and interesting. For example, through virtual reality technology, students can personally experience historical events and scientific experiments to deepen their understanding and memory of knowledge

Without 19th century technology, our lives would be very different, but that doesn't mean we can't survive.Humans can survive without modern technology, though they may face more difficulties.We will return to simpler and more primitive lifestyles, relying on traditional methods to meet basic needs.People will rely more on manual labour, natural resources and traditional knowledge for their livelihoods.However, the absence of modern technology may lead to a deterioration in the quality of life and to the loss of many facilities and opportunities, such as modern medical care, rapid transportation and efficient communications. 

                                                                                                     Deng Qin 2020014948                                                                                                      Chen Siting 2022084102


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